There are a lot of financial companies out there that aren’t always clear about their goals, or even what they do.  Lincoln W Ltd aim to make your financial dealings as simple as possible, with clarity and co-operation every step of the way.

The following are our main areas of specialisation.  If you’d like to discuss any in further detail, please visit their respective pages on the website, and contact us for further information.


Whether you are a business, a government entity, an organization or an individual, our aim is to create wealth for our clients and partners through our innovative investment solutions.

Project Management

Lincoln W Ltd initiates, conceives, defines, plans, finances, executes and closes all type of projects. The firm also provides professional project management services to a number of clients in the United Kingdom and Africa.

Economic Development

Lincoln W Economic Development service provides expert project management, direct foreign investment, socio-economic and technical services to governments, state entities, organisations and international development agencies.


We train government and state officials in various key aspects of project management, including risk management, control, project management techniques and cost management in order to cut waste and improve value generation.